It's a relatively short drive of only 2.5 hours along some of Vancouver Islands extensive network of gravel logging roads until we reach the far west coast of the Island and one of our favorite areas for hunting Black Bears. In the month of May it can be a hot, dusty drive as logging trucks and crew trucks zip by you sometimes adding an extra … [Read more...] about Vancouver Island Spring Black Bear Hunt 2012
BC Black Bear Hunting Opens Tomorrow
April 1st 2011 marks the opening of yet another Spring Bear season in BC. If you weren't lucky enough to draw a Grizzly tag you'll be left with the next best option and that's Black Bear hunting. April is still a little early to go out and expect a ton of action but the odd bear can be found and you can be sure they'll have a fairly decent cape … [Read more...] about BC Black Bear Hunting Opens Tomorrow
Field Judging Black Bear Size
Field judging Black Bears can sometimes be difficult even for the most experienced of bear hunters. The animal you are judging is usually completely black aside from color phase bears, they have thick fur and the shadows they create can be decieving. With that said there are a few methods you can have at your disposal to help you determine if … [Read more...] about Field Judging Black Bear Size