Thanks for stopping by. BC is an amazing place to live, and if you’re a hunter it’s truly a blessing to be a resident here. With ample species of big game, vast amounts of untouched wilderness and quite liberal seasons hunting is a primary pastime for many BC residents.
This website documents my hunting trips and travels, thoughts on hunting in and around the province and most importantly what I think about all the various pieces of hunting equipment on the market today and what or what isn’t worth your hard earned cash.
I hope you enjoy the new website, if you have any questions just leave a comment and if you have any stories or pictures you wish to share just shoot us an email at info @
Thanks Again!
I have been hunting in bc for more then 30 years. And if we as hunters continue to hunt and manage the elk and deer the way we are iam afraid we are going to distroy the hunting we injoy. The minister has to not cater to group they have to manage the game first. And we as hunter have to help we can not harvest the game as we do, in bow season we kill spike to mature bulls, then in rife season we let the seniors and juniors to hunt spikes cows calf and mature bulls and all the other hunter kill the mature bull. When we are killing every part of the heard what do we leave for the future.i fell that bc could handle more elk in bc there is only 60000 elk that is only one elk every 6 square miles compare to montana with 6 elk every square miles and colarado with 30 elk every square miles this may be to meny but i thinks 6 to 10 elk would be managable. when farmer and other group age catered to elk and the injoyment of the outdoors as we all would love it suffers
Thanks for your comments Bill. With ungulates like Elk it’s actually an important part of the overall harvest strategy to hunt a cross section of the herd, hence why we have LEH cow and calf tags, 3 pnt or better bull seasons and obviously the 6pnt season many of us are familiar with. BC is a large province, and we also don’t have Elk in every corner, there are many, many, many square miles of this province where Elk are not even present. I think it’s great your voicing your opinion and you should also write a letter to the ministry, let them know it’s important to you.