"The Man Called Red" is an autobiography about my Grandfather, N.B. "Red" Sorensen, written and published by himself. It'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little biased but it's an excellent book about a man who lived a life and lifestyle that many can only sit back and dream about. No, it wasn't a wealthy life or one of someone who travelled … [Read more...] about The Man Called Red – Book Review
The Life and Times of Buck 8917 – PennState Deer Study
This is an interesting study completed by Duane Diefenbach of PennState University. They collared a young buck and followed him 24/7 until his death. It reveals a lot about deer movement. On March 29, 2013 we captured an adult buck (he had his first set of antlers in autumn 2012) on the Bald Eagle State Forest. We slapped a GPS collar and some … [Read more...] about The Life and Times of Buck 8917 – PennState Deer Study
Factors Affecting Moose Populations in Central BC
It's no mystery to hunters that Moose populations in certain areas of the province have declined sharply in the last few years. In some areas declines as much as 50-70% were reported via recent population surveys. In February of 2012 a 5 year provincially-coordinated moose research project began to determine moose population change in relation to … [Read more...] about Factors Affecting Moose Populations in Central BC
Support The BC Grizzly Bear Hunt
British Columbia has a healthy population of Grizzly Bears thanks to very strict management procedures, of which hunting is one. The simple fact is, we're harvesting more Grizzly Bears every year under our current LEH (Limited Entry Hunt) system then we ever did under a GOS (general open season) and with the LEH system there are even LESS … [Read more...] about Support The BC Grizzly Bear Hunt
BC Black Bear Hunting Opens Tomorrow
April 1st 2011 marks the opening of yet another Spring Bear season in BC. If you weren't lucky enough to draw a Grizzly tag you'll be left with the next best option and that's Black Bear hunting. April is still a little early to go out and expect a ton of action but the odd bear can be found and you can be sure they'll have a fairly decent cape … [Read more...] about BC Black Bear Hunting Opens Tomorrow
Grizzly Bear Management Plan – NOT
Once again First-Nations and some Anti-Hunting "outdoor exclusionists" are back at it again trying to erode away our hunting opportunity. If you want our Grizzly Bear population to be managed on science, rather than emotional, social arguments that will be detrimental to the bears you need to act now! … [Read more...] about Grizzly Bear Management Plan – NOT
Welcome To The BC Hunting Blog
Thanks for stopping by. BC is an amazing place to live, and if you're a hunter it's truly a blessing to be a resident here. With ample species of big game, vast amounts of untouched wilderness and quite liberal seasons hunting is a primary pastime for many BC residents. This website documents my hunting trips and travels, thoughts on hunting … [Read more...] about Welcome To The BC Hunting Blog
2010/2011 BC LEH Synopisis Online
The 2010/2011 BC Limited Entry Hunting synopsis is out and available online. The due date for all LEH entries has been moved up to May 21 2010. The Ministry of Environment is trying to get the draw results out to us much earlier than what happened last year. BC LEH Synopsis … [Read more...] about 2010/2011 BC LEH Synopisis Online
Environmentalists Spread False Propoganda About The Grizzly Bear Hunt.
For Immediate Release Friday February 26, 2010 BC Wildlife Federation Vancouver, B.C. BC Wildlife Federation Issues Warning To Public About Grizzly Bears Vancouver, BC - Mel Arnold, President of BC Wildlife Federation which represents 37,000 hunters, anglers and outdoor recreationists, stated “The public must be made aware that recent … [Read more...] about Environmentalists Spread False Propoganda About The Grizzly Bear Hunt.
Exped Downmat 7 Review – The Ultimate Sleeping Mat For Mountain Hunting?
I honestly never thought the day would come that I would willingly give up my Thermarest ProLite 4 sleeping mat. We've seen the day... I first heard about the Exped sleeping mat while on a trip to Wholesale Outdoor Sports in Nanaimo. Specifically, I was looking to see if they had a Thermarest "Neo Air" in stock so I could have a look at it. … [Read more...] about Exped Downmat 7 Review – The Ultimate Sleeping Mat For Mountain Hunting?